
Communications for Release of Final Rule

Support Local School Wellness Policies


Policy Options

Establishing Local School Wellness Policies & Committees

Best Practices from School Districts that Have Developed and Implemented Strong Local School Wellness Policies

Resources for Each Component of a Local School Wellness Policy

School Meals

Smart Snacks (competitive foods; vending, a la carte, school stores, etc.)

Staff Qualifications and Professional Development

Kitchen equipment

Water Access

Fruits & Vegetables


Classroom Snacks

Food Rewards


Nutrition Promotion and Education

Food Marketing

Physical Activity (Before and After School, and in Classroom)

Physical Education


Farm to School

Staff Wellness

Safe Routes to School

Shared Use

Evaluation Tools

Additional Resources on Local School Wellness Policies

*The Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program gives schools and school districts guidance, technical assistance, training, and support to create and sustain healthy changes, including assistance with wellness policy creation and implementation.  To enroll in the Healthy Schools Program, please click here.  Members will have access (free of charge) to additional resources, including the model wellness policy.

For more information, contact